Positive Intelligence Training
Cheri is trained as an iPEC Coach, a Mental Fitness Trainer www.positiveintelligence.com as well as in the 3 Vital Questions program, by David Emerald www.3VitalQuestions.com, and the Inner Game, by Timothy Gallwey. She melds these thought leaders’ insights together to bring a fresh approach to assist you and your team in transforming in ways you only dreamed possible.
Mental Fitness Training
Our Mental Fitness - the capacity to respond to life’s challenges with a positive rather than a negative mindset - is crucial to living a FULL-FILLED life.
The Key is getting our internal critic under control. But there is so much more that we don’t even know is working against us! As a matter of fact, our internal judge has a gang of 9 accomplice Saboteurs that, left uncontained, wreak havoc on our lives. Mental Fitness Training helps you disarm this army against you by helping you tap into your 5 Sage powers.
If you could substantially change your life and positively impact the lives of those around you just by committing to a 2-minute practice 3 times a day and listening to a 1-hour program each weekend would you do it? It truly is that simple. This 6-week intensive training sets you on a path of significant change and transformation.
Contact Cheri for more information!